How it Works
This program is customized for your business. Your signatures will be securely stored on your network and only the support staff with proper permissions will be able to access your signature.
When your purchase is complete, you will receive an email with questions about your network that will be used to customize the software for your business, as well as information on collecting signatures and installing the software.
System Requirements
Aikotek E-Signatures require the following:
- Microsoft Word for Windows, at least version 2016 (a WordPerfect version is available)
- Private mapped drives for each user on your network; Aikotek will work with your IT team to set this up if you do not already have this (or if you don’t know what this is).
$500 One-time Fee plus:
- $200 per user if Aikotek installs
- $150 per user if your IT provider installs
>50 users receive a 10% discount
>100 users receive a 20% discount
*This product is for businesses with multiple users or a user with support staff. For individual users, click here for E-Signatures for Individuals.
Sales Tax is applied in NJ.